Bodnant Community School

Believe Commit Succeed

 Attendance Information for parents.pdfDownload
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Weekly Attendance Winners

  • Week ending Thursday 18th July 2024 4JH 99.1% Whole School Total 92.5%
  • Friday 12th July 2024 3AL 98.3% Whole School Total 91.8%
  • Friday 5th July 2024 5AV-T 98.8% Whole school total 92.9%
  • Friday 28th June 2024 3ZC 97.0% Whole School total 92.4%
  • Friday 21st June 2024 4NV 99.3% Whole School total 90.6%
  • Friday 14th June 2024 RSD 98.0% Whole school total 93%
  • Friday 7th June 2024 5CvN 100.0 whole school total 93.3%
  • Friday 17th May 2024 4NV 97.9% Whole school total 92.9%
  • Friday 10th May 2024 5AV-T 96.2% Whole school total 92.0%
  • Friday 3rd May 2024 RSON 94.4% and 5CVN 94.4% whole school total 89.1%
  • Friday 26th April 2024 2LW 97.8% Whole School Total 92.5%
  • Friday 19th April 2024  5AV-T 97.7% Whole School Total 95.1%
  • Friday 12th April 2024 RSD 100.0% Whole School Total 95.7%
  • Friday 22nd March 2024 5AV-T 99.2% Whole School Total 93.0%
  • Friday 15th March 2024 5CvN 98.7% Whole School Total 92.0%
  • Friday 8th March 2024 6RB 99.2% Whole School Total 94.7%
  • Friday 1st March 2024 3ZC 97.0% Whole School Total 91.9%
  • Friday 23rd February 2024 RSON 99.0% Whole School Total 93.3%
  • Friday 9th February 2024 3AL 96.0% Whole School Total 91.7%
  • Friday 26th January 2024 5CvN 98.0% whole school total 91.6%
  • Friday 19th January 2024 5CvN 99.3% Whole School Total 88.4%
  • Friday 22nd December 3023 3AL 98.0% whole School Total 91.1%
  • Friday 15th November 2023 5CvN 99.7% Whole School Total 91.0%
  • Friday 24th November 2023 3AL 98.3% and 4JH 98.3% Whole School Total 93.0%
  • Friday 17th November 2023 5CvN 98.7% whole school total 94.1%
  • Friday 10th November 2023 5CvN 100.0% Whole School total 93.5%
  • Friday 27th October 2023 3AL 96.7% Whole school total 91.1%
  • Friday 20th October 2023 3AL 98.0% Whole school total 90.0%
  • Friday 13th October 2023 5AV-T 100.0% Whole school total 89.3%
  • Friday 6th October 2023 RSON 97.7% Whole School total 91.7%
  • Thursday 28th September 2023 6HL 98.2% Whole school total 91.7%
  • Friday 22nd September 2023 RSD 96.6% whole school total 90.7%
  • Friday 15th September 2023 5AV-T 99.6% Whole School total 93.9%
  • Friday 8th September 2023 5AV-T 99.6% Whole school total 95.0%
  • Friday 19th July NAM 97.7% whole school total 90.3%
  • Friday 14th July 6RB 99.0% whole school total 92.0%
  • Friday 7th July 2CR 97.7% whole school total 90.1%
  • Friday 30th June 3NV 98.1% whole school total 88.1%
  • Friday 23rd June 4AL 98.6% Whole School total 88.7%
  • Friday 16th June 4AV-T 97% Whole school total 89.4%
  • Thursday 18th May 4AL 98.7% Whole School total 91.9%
  • Friday 12th May 4AL 97.0% Total for the school 91.3%
  • Friday 5th May 4AV-T 100% Total for the school 92.1%
  • Friday 29th April 4AV-T 98.5% Total for the school 90.7%
  • Friday 21st April 2CR 98.8% Total for the school is 90.9%
  • Friday 24th March 3ZC 98.7% Total for the school is 92.3%
  • Friday 17th March 2CR with 99.3% Total for the school is 91.3%
  • Friday 3rd March 4AVT with 98.8%
  • Friday 17th February 3ZC with 99.4%
  • Friday 10th February 4AL with 100%

Attendance Policy

Absence Request Form

School Attendance Letter to Parents

Good attendance and punctuality are important at Bodnant Community School and registers are checked every day and our aim is to achieve an average attendance of at least 95%. Children that have a 100% attendance each term are rewarded with a record of achievement via a sticker or certificate.

The newsletter also records the best class for attendance for that week.Good attendance and punctuality are important at Bodnant Community School and registers are checked every day and our aim is to achieve an average attendance of at least 95%. Children that have a 100% attendance each term are rewarded with a record of achievement via a sticker or certificate. The newsletter also records the best class for attendance for that week.
It is important that parents understand the impact on pupils that do not attend regularly/late, and research show this could be: 

A break in continuity of work

Miss important pieces of work

Can have trouble making friends and isolation in some cases

Lack of confidence due to not understanding the work

A lack of self esteem

There are two main categories of absences which are authorised and unauthorised

All unauthorised absences and late arrivals are marked on the register and will be recorded in the school’s Annual Report to Parents and on the pupil’s school report. Regular late arrivals (after 09:20) without a reasonable excuse will be recorded as unauthorised absences.  We may write to parents of children who arrive in school late on a regular basis or who are frequently absent.  If the situation is not resolved, we may arrange a meeting with, or home-visit from, the Educational Social worker, Ffion Owens to establish support where required. 

In some cases the county will fine persistent offenders. If you have any issues you wish to discuss with regards attendance/punctuality please contact our Family Liaison Manager at school. The school’s attendance figures for the academic year 2016/17 are as follows: 

Actual attendance  95%     

Target    95%

Authorised absence 3.7%

Unauthorised absence 1.7%  
 In the event of absence, you must telephone the school by 09:30 on the first morning, and if the child has not returned to school by the third morning.  Please leave a message on the answering machine if there is no one to take your call.  Failure to inform the school will result in the school contacting parents/carers.    Arriving late may seriously disrupt not only your child’s continuity of learning but also that of others. 

Those children arriving late must enter school through the main reception and are required to register the time and reason for lateness at the office.  In the Foundation Phase, children should be collected promptly at 15.10pm. 

Children will only be released to known persons; if you wish to make alternative arrangements for collection, you should please telephone the office before 14:00.  In key stage two parents are invited to collect their child from the classrooms in years 3 and 4 and wait outside the school gates at 15:20 for children in years 5 and 6.  We will not let the children go home with under 16s unless  we have have your permission. Children not collected ten minutes after the end of the school day will attend Out of School Club, for which parents will be charged. 

Leave of Absence for holidays in term time are highly unlike to be authorised as agree by the Governing Body unless the reason is exceptional.  

Rewards for Good Attendance

Good attendance and punctuality are really important at Bodnant Community School.

We have a set target that changes every year which we would like the school to achieve, this year it is 95%!

We also like to recognise those children that gain 100% attendance each term by acknowledging their commitment with a sticker/certificate and a photo of them on the school’s attendance board.
The class with the best attendance is given a certificate every Friday in assembly alongside the classes that have had 100% punctuality that week.